perm filename OCCULT[0,BGB]6 blob sn#116833 filedate 1974-08-29 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00003 00002	{F8⊂C<N αOCCULT λ30 P46 I425,0 JC FA}      SECTION 4.
C00009 00003	
C00012 00004	⊂4.1	Initialization and Culling.⊃
C00014 00005	
C00017 00006	
C00019 00007	
C00022 00008	
C00026 00009	⊂4.2	Hide Marking a Coherent Object.⊃
C00031 00010	⊂4.3	Edge-Edge and Face-Vertex Comparing.⊃
C00034 00011		An alternate edge-edge  compare method would be to  solve the
C00040 00012	
C00041 00013	⊂4.4	Recursive Windowing.⊃
C00049 00014	
C00056 00016	⊂4.6	Performance of OCCULT and Related Work.⊃
C00059 ENDMK
{F8;⊂C;<N; αOCCULT; λ30; P46; I425,0; JC; FA}      SECTION 4.
{λ7; W250; JA; FA}
	4.0	Introduction to Hidden Line Elimination.
	4.1	Initialization and Culling.
	4.2	Hide Marking a Coherent Object.
	4.3	Edge-Edge and Face-Vertex Comparing.
	4.4	Recursive Windowing.
	4.5	Photometric Modeling and Video Generation.
	4.6	Performance of OCCULT and Related Work.
⊂4.0	Introduction to Hidden Line Elimination.⊃

	Hidden line elimination  refers to the process  of simulating
the  appearance  of  opaque  three  dimensional  objects. The  phrase
<hidden line elimination> dates  from when the problem only  involved
deleting the  undesired,  that  is the <hidden>  lines,  from  a line
drawing  (Figure 4.1);  today  the phrase  persists but  connotes the
wider problem of synthesizing realistic images using a computer.  The
present discussion is about techniques which have been implemented in
a particular hidden line eliminator named OCCULT, from the Latin word
<occultare> meaning <to hide>. OCCULT  illustrates novel solutions to
the  graphics  problems  of  exploiting  object  coherence and  image
coherence,   of combining image  space with  model space  techniques,
and of sorting faces,  edges and vertices in two dimensions.

	OCCULT is further  characterized by its  intended application
to   computer  vision  and  robotics.     The  distinguishing  design
requirement of a hidden line  eliminator intended for vision is  that
it  must maintain  back pointers  from the  final 2-D  images to  the
initial 3-D models so that the identity of features can be recovered.
In computer  graphics, the  results  of hidden  line elimination  are
intended for  human viewing so  the correspondence between  the image
and the  model is  not  usually retained  (unless image  based  model
editing is being  attempted). Another design  goal for OCCULT  was to
output a connected  graph of regions,  edges and vertices that covers
the image  with no  holes missing,   no  regions  overlapping and  no
dangling edges.  It was naively assumed that such a highly structured
image  representation,  called  a  <mosaic  image>,  would  provide a
suitable basis for deriving features such as the location and orientation
of high contrast edges without having to generate video images.
I∂80,0;W0,630;JCFA} BEFORE {I∂0,631;W630,1260;JC} AFTER {W0,1260;I∂30,0;JUFA}
	Hidden  line  eliminators  appear  in   two  previous  vision
systems: one by  Roberts (63) and the other by Falk (70); the present
system is a direct heir of the work of Falk in that the  last version
of the  Falk system  contained one  of the  first versions  of OCCULT
(installed by Richard Orban). As with image analysis, image synthesis
(i.e.   hidden line elimination),   is  a perennial research  problem
because  it  cannot  be  fully  isolated  from  physical  modeling.
Metaphorically,  hidden line  elimination is the  visible tip of  the
iceberg  of physical  simulation. The  weaknesses  of the  underlying
model  literally show  up  in passing  through the  process  of image
synthesis.  The present day  collection of techniques is still  quite
lacking in realism,  economy, flexibility and even reliability.
	OCCULT is  not a  simple hidden  line eliminator. In  overall
structure it is  a combination of five techniques, Box 4.1. The first
method, called <culling>, eliminates portions of the model  which are
hidden because  of some easy to  compute heuristic reason.   The cull
heuristics (detailed in Section 4.1) include: elimination by clipping
planes, elimination  by face  vectors, elimination  by inspection  of
concave corners,  and  elimination by previous occultation. After the
culls have been applied, the next three techniques are arranged in  a
three level heirarchy  which comprises the  main part of OCCULT.   At
the outermost level  there is a Warnock (68) like recursive windowing
method,  which  calls an edge-edge comparing  method on small  enough
windows,  which in  turn calls  a coherent object tracing  method to
split  off and mark the  portions of an object that  are hidden.  The
methods are  explained in  bottom-up order: hide  tracing in  Section
4.2,   edge-edge comparing in Section 4.3  and recursive windowing in
Section 4.4.   The fifth  technique is a  face-vertex compare  method
that is occasionally  required to solve  a particular class  of cases
that  are missed  by  the edge-edge  compare. The  difficult  part in
building an OCCULT  like hidden line eliminator  lies in getting  all
the unruly beasts in harness together;  the mystery being that no one
beast is sufficiently strong to carry the whole burden by itself.
	1. Initialization Hide Culling.
	2. Recursive Windowing.
	3. Coherent Object Hide Tracing.
	4. Edge-Edge Comparing.
	5. Face-Vertex Comparing.

⊂4.1	Initialization and Culling.⊃

	A substantial part  of sophisticated hidden  line elimination
lies  in careful attention  to initial preparations.   As  it has now
stood for  the past  two  years, OCCULT  has two  input  restrictions
imposed for  the sake of  execution speed: no conflicting  bodies are
allowed  and no  concave faces are  allowed.   Conflicting bodies are
those that occupy the same space at the same  time; concave faces are
faces with interiors  containing a pair of points  such that the line
segment between  the  points is  not  contained  in the  face.    The
rational for  both these  restrictions is  based on the  optimization
technique  of getting computations  out of inner  loops; conflicting
bodies and  concave  faces can  be  eliminated by  employing  certain
polyhedral construction primitives prior  to hidden line elimination.
The  restrictions   are  not  inherent  limitations  of  any  of  the
techniques  in  OCCULT,  so  that  a  less  restricted  but  slower
implementation is feasible.
	OCCULT is a marking algorithm, the temporary marking bits are
listed  in  Box  4.2. The  combination  (POTENT  and ¬VISIBLE)  means
potentially visible; (¬POTENT  and VISIBLE)  means actually  visible;
(¬POTENT and ¬VISIBLE) means hidden;  and the combination (POTENT and
VISIBLE)  is  an  unused  state that  happens  to  be  interpreted as
	POTENT∞.Potentially Visible Entity.
	VISIBLE∞.Actually Visible Entity.
	PZZ∞.Behind the camera image plane, Positive Zcc.
	NZZ∞.Before the camera image plane, Negative Zcc.
	TMPBIT∞.Temporary Split edge of vertex.
	FOLDED∞.Edge with only one POTENT face.
	JOTBIT∞.Joint over T vertex.
	JUTBIT∞.Joint under T vertex.
	The  initialization is performed in three  steps:  (1).
vertex marking and vertex perspective projection; (2).  face marking,
face Z-clipping,   and  computation of  face  coefficients; and  (3).
edge  marking   and  computation  of  edge   coefficients.  Two  cull
heuristics  are done during the initialization: clipping and backside
face  elimination; and  the  other  two culls  are  done  immediately
afterwards: concave corners check and the hide last hidden check.
	Vertex initialization includes the  prespective projection of
every vertex in the  model and the marking of every vertex that is in
front  of  the  camera   as  POTENT  (potentially  visible)  if   its
perspective  projected  Z  coordinate,  ZPP(V), is  greater  than  the
simulated  image  plane  distance, FOCAL.  Two  further  status bits,
named PZZ  and NZZ,   indicate positive  ZCC (camera coordinates)  or
negative ZCC are inclusive ORed  into all the faces and edges of each
vertex for the sake of the Z-clipper.

	Face initialization  consists of  Z-clipping: if  a face  has
only its  NZZ bit turned on, then it  is completely behind the camera
and is  immediately  dropped  from all  futher  condsideration  (i.e.
culled out); if the face has both its PZZ and its NZZ turn on then it
is  Z-clipped by using the  camera's image plane  as a cutting plane.
Next for faces in view of the camera,   the 3-D perspective projected
face coefficients are computed  (equations given below) and the faces
with their backsides towards the camera are culled out (Figure  4.2);
faces surviving  to this point  are marked as  POTENT and  are placed
into  a list  of faces of  the first  window of the  recursive window
	Edge initialization consists of computing  the normalized 2-D
edge coefficients  (equation given below) and of  marking the edge as
FOLDED or ¬FOLDED depending on whether it has one face POTENT  or two
faces  POTENT,  respectively.   FOLDED  edges  are then  inverted  if
necessary  so that the  POTENT face is  the PFACE.   Folded edges are
illustrated in the rightmost panel of Figure 4.2.  The <folded edges>
are  called  <contour edges>  by  Appel(71)  and Sutherland(73).  The
folded bit is passed along to  (inclusive ORed into) the vertices  of
folded edges.
BOX 4.3{FAJC} Normalized 3-D Face Coefficients:{λ10;JAF3}
  E ← PED(F);V1 ← VCW(E,F);V2 ← VCCW(E,F); E ← ECCW(E,F);V3 ← VCCW(E,F);
  KK(F) ← XPP(V1)*(ZPP(V2)*YPP(V3)-YPP(V2)*ZPP(V3)) 
  	+ YPP(V1)*(XPP(V2)*ZPP(V3)-ZPP(V2)*XPP(V3)) 
  	+ ZPP(V1)*(YPP(V2)*XPP(V3)-XPP(V2)*YPP(V3));
  AA(F) ← (ZPP(V1)*(YPP(V2)-YPP(V3)) + ZPP(V2)*(YPP(V3)-YPP(V1)) + ZPP(V3)*(YPP(V1)-YPP(V2)));
  BB(F) ← (XPP(V1)*(ZPP(V2)-ZPP(V3)) + XPP(V2)*(ZPP(V3)-ZPP(V1)) + XPP(V3)*(ZPP(V1)-ZPP(V2)));
  CC(F) ← (XPP(V1)*(YPP(V3)-YPP(V2)) + XPP(V2)*(YPP(V1)-YPP(V3)) + XPP(V3)*(YPP(V2)-YPP(V1)));
  TMP  ← 1/SQRT(AA(E)↑2 + BB(F)↑2 + CC(F)↑2);
  AA(F) ← TMP*AA(F);BB(F) ← TMP*BB(F);CC(F) ← TMP*CC(F);

{FAJC} Normalized 2-D Edge Coefficients:{λ10;JAF3}
	AA(E) ← YPP(PVT(E)) - YPP(NVT(E));
	BB(E) ← XPP(NVT(E)) - XPP(PVT(E));
	TMP   ← SQRT(AA(E)↑2 + BB(E)↑2);
	AA(E) ← AA(E)/TMP;  BB(E) ← BB(E)/TMP;  CC(E) ← CC(E)/TMP;
	After  face, edge  and vertex  initialization  two culls  are
applicable. The concave corner cull checks folded vertices of valence
four or more for edges of the vertex that are hidden by a face of the
same vertex;  the corner  marked by a  heavy dot in  Figure 4.3  is a
concave corner with two folded edges that are easily discovered to be
hidden (i.e the end  of the edge that  is connected to the  corner is
hidden by a face of that corner).  The second cull is applicable when
hidden line elimination is being done  on a sequence of images  which
are not changing very much from one picture to the next.  By saving a
pointer  to the  <overface> that  covered each  hidden vertex  in the
immediately preceding hidden line elimination, the previous  overface
can be quickly checked to see if  it still covers the vertex.  In the
case  of  arm  animation  (example  #2,  Section  3.0)  this form  of
exploiting <frame-coherence> realized  a twenty-five percent  savings
in  computation  time (under  timesharing,  but  with  no other  user

	Inspite of  the complexity  explained so  far, still  further
measures could  be taken  to make  the hidden  line eliminator  even
faster,  For  example  more 3-D  clipping  or  spatial recusive  cell
sorting would  allow  the  earlier elimination of  objects  that  are
out of sight.

⊂4.2	Hide Marking a Coherent Object.⊃

	OCCULT marks  the faces, edges  and vertices of  a polyhedral
scene as  being either visible or hidden  with respect to a simulated
camera.  Edges that  were at first  partially visible are split  into
pieces so  that each piece is  either fully visible or  fully hidden.
All  splits are  undone and all  OCCULT bits  are cleared  by a fixup
routine  named  UNCULT.  In  a  modeling  environment  that  provides
coherent  polyhedra that  can be  easily traveled  and  modified, the
simple technique of  hide marking the  neighbors of entities  already
hidden can  be used to  do almost  all of the  actual hiding, once  a
starting place has been found.

	In OCCULT,   the two  innermost routines,   EHIDE and  VHIDE,
perform this kind of marking and splitting.
The routine  VHIDE takes two arguments:
the vertex, V, which  is to be marked as hidden and the face, F, that
is known to  hide V;  the routine  then simply calls  EHIDE for  each
potentially visible edge of V's  perimeter. EHIDE in turn takes three
arguments: an  overface, F,  an edge, E,  and one vertex,  V, of that
edge which is  known to  be hidden by  F.  EHIDE  then checks to  see
whether or not E leaves its overface, F, there are three basic cases:
(i) E does  not leave  F,  so  it is  marked as hidden  and VHIDE  is
applied to  the vertex OTHER(E,V);  (ii) E does  leave overface  F by
crossing under a ¬FOLDED edge which provides a new overface for EHIDE
to check; or (iii) E leaves F by crossing under a folded edge,   so
EHIDE splits  the original edge,  E,  and the  folded edge to  form a
T-joint  (explained below) marking  the hidden portion of E
as hidden and leaving the remaining portion of E potentially visible.

	A T-joint occurs  in the  image, when a  folded edge hides  a
second  edge  that  is further  away  from  the  camera. When  OCCULT
discovers a T-joint, both edges are  ESPLIT and two new vertices  are
created the further  one is called  the JUT, Joint-Under-T,  vertex the
nearer one is called the JOT, Joint-Over-T, vertex. Juts and Jots point
at each other using a temporary link field named TJOINT.

{JC} (The diagram is a view from slightly to the left and below the camera from which JOT and JUT appear coincident.)

	There  are several  techniques  for finding  hidden  starting
places,  the  major  techniques involve  doing  an  edge-edge  or  a
face-vertex compare using  all the  potentially visible faces,  edges
and vertices;  the minor techniques  include the concave  corner cull
and the hidden on last hide cull.

⊂4.3	Edge-Edge and Face-Vertex Comparing.⊃

	In OCCULT, two  particular compares stand out as  most basic,
the   edge-edge  compare  and  the   face-vertex  compare  which  are
implemented in procedures named COMPEE and COMPFV, respectively.  The
edge-edge compare  routine,  COMPEE,   determines whether or  not two
edges  intersect in  the 2-D image  coordinates,   XPP and  YPP.  The
basic edge-edge  intersection test  requires  passing two  opposition
conditions: the  ends of one edge  must be in  the opposite halfplane
with respect to the  line containing the other  edge and vice  versa.
Halfplane opposition is checked by two evaluating the normal equation
of the  line using the edge  coefficients AA,  BB,  CC and the vertex
coordinates XPP and YPP.   Consequently, it  can be assumed that  the
two edges  cross if  the following  expressions both  return negative
}	FLAG1 ←	(AA(E1)*XPP(PVT(E2)) + BB(E1)*YPP(PVT(E2)) + CC(E1))
	    XOR	(AA(E1)*XPP(NVT(E2)) + BB(E1)*YPP(NVT(E2)) + CC(E1));
	FLAG2 ← (AA(E2)*XPP(PVT(E1)) + BB(E2)*YPP(PVT(E1)) + CC(E2))
	    XOR	(AA(E2)*XPP(NVT(E1)) + BB(E2)*YPP(NVT(E1)) + CC(E2));{λ30;JUFA}
\The infix operator XOR (exclusive OR) is  for toggling the sign bits
in  the same fashion as  a multiplication would  in more conventional
ALGOL. When the crossing condition is true, the locus of intersection
can be computed by solving two equations in two unknowns:
}	TMP	←	(AA(E1)*BB(E2) - AA(E2)*BB(E1));
	XPP(V)	←	(CC(E1)*BB(E2) - CC(E2)*BB(E1))/TMP;
	YPP(V)	←	(AA(E1)*CC(E2) - AA(E2)*CC(E1))/TMP;{λ30;JUFA}
	An alternate edge-edge  compare method would be to  solve the
two  equations in  two unknowns  first  and then  to see  whether the
intersection locus is  interior to the line  segments of both  edges.
Since,  disjoint  pairs of  edges  occur  much more  frequently  than
intersecting  edges,  the  alternate  method  requires  more  floating
arithmetic on the average than the first  method which can
discover  about  half of  the  disjoint  cases  by computing  FLAG1.
Furthermore  the   alternate  method   does   not  lend   itself   to
distinguishing the almost touching cases which must be nudged to be disjoint.
The OCCULT design depends on coercing edges to intersect at one unique point
or not at all, the steps listed in Box 4.4 handle the special cases
requiste to such a crossing discipline. The nudge is done to the image
coordinates so that the accuracy of the world coordinates is uneffect.
BOX 4.4 {JC} Edge-Edge Compare Steps.
	i.	Test for Identity: same edge twice.
	ii.	Test for Topological connection: Edges with vertex or T-joint in common.
	iii.	Test for span Overlap in XPP and YPP: To prevent nasty collinear cases.
	iv.	Compare for crossing: Opposition Tests and Crossing Solver.
	v.	Nudge (Move off line, towards right and down).
	The  face-vertex compare  routine,    COMPFV has  two  parts:
<Z-depth  compare> for vertex under  the plane of the  face, and <2-D
within compare> for vertex enclosure by the face perimeter. The first
compare is done by evaluating the  Z-depth of the vertex with respect
to the plane of the face. The second compare tests whether the vertex
falls outside of  the face with  respect to any  of the edges of  the
face  perimeter,   since  faces are  convex and  since  polyhedra are
oriented the properly directed edges coefficient are available.   The
Z-depth test is performed first because it is quicker.

	Two  very   simple  but  important   kinds  of   hidden  line
eliminators  (that  almost  work) are  based  on  combining edge-edge
comparing or face-vertex comparing  with coherent object hiding.   In
the edge-edge  compare method all the  edges (or even merely  all the
folded  edges) of the  image are compared with  each other, N*(N-1)/2
compares, for crossings; when a  crossing is found a T-joint  is made
and  the hidden  portion  of the  under  edge is  given  to an  EHIDE
routine. In  the  face-vertex compare  method  all the  vertices  are
compared with  all the faces,  (face count)*(vertex  count) compares,
for enclosure  and covering; when a vertex  is found hidden under and
within a face it is given to a VHIDE routine. Together the EE-compare
method and the  FV-compare method form one slow but  sure hidden line
elimination  algorithm; alone  the EE-method  fails to  detect hidden
objects with edges  that don't intersect  any edges of the  occluding
object as in  the left panel of Figure 4.5  which shows two bricks of
the same size but one behind the other.  Likewise the FV-method fails
to detect hidden objects  in scenes where no vertex of  the object is
surround or covered by a face, right panel of Figure 4.5.

	In  OCCULT,  the edge-edge  compare is  done  after recursive
windowing has isolated a reasonably small number of edges (twelve). A
face-vertex compare is done only  if any potentially visible vertices
remain  after all the  other techniques have  finished; in particular
face-vertex comparing is only  done when the case illustrated  in the
left panel  of Figure 4.5 actually  occurs and the set  of faces that
are used are only the faces that intersect the recursive window  that
contains the vertex.
I∂0,631;W630,1260;JC} FACE-VERTEX FAILURE CASE. {W0,1260;I∂30,0;JUFA}

⊂4.4	Recursive Windowing.⊃

	Recursive  Windowing is  a  two dimensional  spatial  sorting
technique for partitioning  the faces,  edges and vertices associated
with a rectangular  region called a window  into two subwindows.  The
technique  is  applied  recursively  until  a  desired  condition  is
achieved.   The usual termination condition is that the population of
entites in  the window becomes  sufficiently low  or that the  window
becomes extremely small.   The idea is implement  in a routine called
ESORT which resembles the hidden line eliminators of (Warnock 68) and
(Sutherland 69). However ESORT is unique in  that it maintains a data
structure  which  allows edges  to be  split  during the  sort.   The
potentially nasty fixups are accomplished using a data structure that
maintains a coherent image of both windows and edges. Metaphorically,
the  data structure is a cloth  with a warp of  windows and a woof of
edges, where each warp thread is bound to a woof fiber by a bead.

	<Window Structure>. The  sort window itself is a  twelve word
node  which contains data fields  named XLO,  XHI,  YLO and YHI which
specify the  boundary of  the window  and data  fields named  PENCNT,
SURCNT,   EDGCNT  and VCNT  which specify  the number  of faces  that
penetrate  the window, the number of  faces that surround the window,
the number of  edges that pass through  the window and the  number of
vertices  that  fall  within  the  window, respectively.  The  window
contains link fields to hold  pointers to the head of  the
pen-face list  (penetrating  faces), the  sur-face list  (surrounding
faces),   the vertex list,  the head and tail  the edge list and a
pointer to its antecedent window.

	<Bead Structure>.   A bead is  a two word  node that contains
four pointers and which  represents one instance  of an edge  passing
through a  window.  Each edge  has a  list of  beads representing  an
ordered  list of the windows through which it  passes; and
each window has a list of  beads representing a list of the edges  it
contains.  The link fields named WND and EDG of a bead,  point to the
particular window  and the particular edge to which the bead belongs.
The link fields named WNBL  and EDBL of a bead contain  the necessary
links for the window's bead list and for the edge's bead list.
	1.	MKSWN	Make Sort Window.
	2.	PSHSWN	Push Sort Window.
	3.	PENSUR	Update penetrator and surrounder lists.
	4.	POPSWN	Pop Sort Window.
	5.	BLED		Bead List Edit.
	The actual sort is composed of five  routines (Box 4.5) which
perform   all  the  necessary   creations  and   alterations  to  the
window/edge/bead data structure. Initialization  is done by the  make
sort window routine, MKSWN, which  places all the potentially visible
faces,  edges and vertices into the first  sort window along with the
population  counts  and the  extreme  location  of  vertices  in  the
positive and negative, XPP and YPP directions.

	If  the population counts  of the  window are too  large, the
pushdown sort windowing routine, PSHSWN,  creates a new window  node,
places the node into  the sort-window pushdown list, halves  the original
window's rectangle  (spliting the longer sides)  leaving the left (or
upper) half of the  rectangle in the  old window node and  allocating
the right  (or lower) half  to the new  window node. Next  the vertex
list  is partitioned,  each vertex  falls into  only one or  the other
window. Next the original window's  bead list of penetrating edge  is scanned,
each edge must fall into one or the other or both windows. If an edge
falls into both windows then a new  bead is made and is placed in  order
into the  bead list  of  the edge  so that  the beads  of every  edge
indicate  window  penetrations  in  order  from  upper-left-most  to
lower-right-most. Finally PSHSWN  applies PENSUR to  each of the  two
windows. The  penetrator and  surrounder face routine,  PENSUR, scans
the  new bead lists  of penetrating  edges of the  two subwindows and
marks the faces of those edges as penetrators  and places them
on the  pen-list of the  new window; next  the routine scans  the old
penetrator list  of the  parent  window and  tests (and  clears)  the
markings. Unmarked faces must be either surrounders or outsiders; the
surrounders are placed in the sur-list of the new window.
	If the  populations of  the window  are sufficiently low  the
hidden line eliminator (or the body intersector, Chapter 5) processes
the window  (does the  edge-edge  compares) and  calls the  pop  sort
window routine, POPSWN. POPSWN zeroes the window field, WND, of beads
of the window as an indication that the window is dead and so are its
beads; dead beads  are returned to free  storage by the BLED  routine
explained below. Next the POPSWN scans the vertices or the window and
places  the  pen-list  and  sur-list  pointers  of  the  window  into
temporary fields of each vertex; this trick  preserves the results of
the  recursive  window  sort for  the  sake  of possible  face-vertex
comparing.  Finally the window node is popped off the pushdown window
list and returned to free storage.

	During both  hidden line  elimination and  body intersection,
edges are  split in order to isolate the portion that is hidden or in
order to create face piercing points. When an edge  is split its bead
list of windows is also split by means of the bead list edit routine,
BLED. Since beads of an  edge are ordered upper-left to  lower-right;
the BLED routine scans the beads for the  window into which the newly
created split vertex  falls within; the vertex is then placed on that
window's vertex list and  a new bead is  created (since both the  old
and the  new edges must  have beads in  the window that  contains the
split)  and the old  bead list is  split.  Dead beads  that are found
while scanning the bead list are returned to free storage.

	Although the  link manipulations are  complicated to  recite,
the  essential point  is that  both windows  and edges  can  be split
without losing their  topological connectedness,   which gives one  a
tool for  reducing an N-squared  spatial computation into  an N-log-N
computation.   The present implementation is  coded in PDP-10 machine
code, an  ALGOL  publication version  will  appear in  a  forthcoming
technical report which is beyond the scope of this paper.{Q}

⊂4.5	Photometric Modeling and Video Generation.⊃

	The light scattering  properties of ordinary surfaces  can be modeled by
thinking  of the  surface  as  composed  of many  little mirrors. The orientation of
{JUFA}\each mirror is  described by two angles, its  tilt from the
normal vector of the surface and its pan about the normal vector with
respect to a specified reference  vector in the tangent plane of  the
surface.  For  a  perfect  reflecting surface  all  the  differential
mirrors have a zero pan and tilt; for isotropic conventional surfaces
the statistical  distribution of  pan  orientations is  flat and  the
distribution  of tilt  orientations  is a  blip function;  and  for a
perfect  isotropic   Lambert  surfaces   both   the  pan   and   tilt
distributions are flat.

	After the visible faces have  been assigned intensity values,
a conversion from an OCCULT mosaic image to a raster image is done by
an auxiliary  program called  MKVID, make  video.  MKVID resembles  a
Gouraud (71) and Watkins(70) hidden  line eliminator in that it fills
scan  line by linear  interpolation of segments between  edges of the
mosaic  which  are  in  their  turn   linear  interpolations  between
⊂4.6	Performance of OCCULT and Related Work.⊃

	Ten hidden line elimination techniques were recently surveyed
in  (Sutherland, Sproull and Schumacker  1973), which after emphasing
that hidden  line elimination  can  be viewed  as a  sorting  problem
concluded with the remark that future implementations should be based
on  exploiting frame coherence, object  coherence and combinations of
the existing techniques. However the survey paper  might be inadquate
for  a  would-be  implementer  who  should consult  the  textbook  by
(Sproull and Newman  73) for  detailed explainations  of the  Warnock
method and  the Watkins method.  Original research reports  on hidden
line  elimators  include:  (Roberts 63),  (Appel  67),  (Warnock 68),
(Warnock 69), (Watkins 70) and (Archuleta 72).

	Inspite of all the activity and  surveying of the literature,
no quantitative commensurate  study of the different methods has been
attempted.   In  particular, the  performance  tables  at the  end  of
(Sutherland   et  al 1973)   are   subjective   evaluations  rather   than
experimental  results of  benchmark problems, as  the authors clearly
state. Continuing in the  same subjective fashion, OCCULT is  fast in
that it can generate simple  scenes (200 edges) of blocks in
less than a second;  the arm animation (524  edges) requires four  to
six seconds;  the starship  Enterprise (1230  edges) requires ten  to
twelve seconds; and  the largest scenes that fit in core (4000 edges)
take from thirty to sixty seconds.{I∂200,630;H2;X0.6;*STRSHP.PLT;